Sense Thoughts & Emotions, Empower Self - The mage begins to sense the thoughts and emotions in the air around her. She cannot yet read these thoughts, but can sense their strength and intensity. This is not a true look at the soul, but at the shell of emotional radiance that surrounds it.

Read Surface Thoughts, Mental Impulse - The mage learns not only how to recognize thoughts, but how to read them. She can read memories "attached" to objects by others' minds. The greater the emotional content, the louder the volume and the easier it is to read such impressions. She can leave that same psychic impression on objects or places intentionally, too, "creating" Resonance.

Mental Link, Walk Among Dreams - The mage can now establish a clear link between her own consciousness and the minds of others. She can use this link for telepathic communications - or invasions.

Control Conscious Mind, Astral Projection - A Mind Adept can actually take over another person's mind and occupy his body for her own ends. His thoughts, should she will it, are not his own, but hers. Once this invasion has begun, she may control her victim directly, cure or cause insanity, change his memories or set up post-hypnotic suggestions.

Control Subconscious, Forge Psyche - A Master of Mind rules not only his own mind, but other minds as well, both mortal and spirit. Through this power, he may invade not only the conscious mind, but the subconscious as well, completely rewriting the underlying personality until the thoughts which compose the psyche bear no resemblance to anything that existed before, utterly changing the person's Nature. The only integral part of the being which the mage may not touch is the Avatar and its memories of past lives, for to perform this ultimate crime requires the Sphere of Spirit.

From Mage: The Ascension 2nd edition © 1997 White Wolf Publishing, Inc.